Unique Facts about Sharks, Dolphins and Orcas

Wanna know some trivia about these marine inhabits ? Find out here

A Megalodon Jaw Fossil
Sharks has roamed Ancient Earth's Ocean since the late Devonian Period (Approximately 400 million years ago), There are 8 Orders of Shark and more than 500 Species of it, Sharks has an endoskeleton made of cartilage rather than solid bone

One of the most popular sharks are megalodons (Charcarodon megalodon), an extinct species lived 15.9 million years ago and extincted 2.6 million years ago (Middle Miocene until the Late Pliocene), Its estimated from the jaws fossil that it length are more than 30 meters and weighed around 150 metric tons, the longest tooth fossil found has a length almost 20 centimeters long.

The Whale Shark
The Largest modern-day Shark is the Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus), the largest speciment confirmed sized 12.7 meters and weighed 21.5 metric tons, Unlike its cousins, the Whale Shark eats plankton and moves slowly. The Dwarf Lantern Shark (Etmopterus perryi) is the smallest shark, limited to grow the lenght 21 centimeters. The Short-fin Mako Shark could reach the speed of 50 kilometers per hour and could jump 6 meters to the air..

A Juvenile Shark will eat their own tooth when they lost it, this will recycle the phosphor and calcium contained in the lost tooth that will be consumed to make a new one. A Shark could lose more than 6000 tooth in a year (average 16.5 tooth a day), mostly gets off while catching its prey, it's new teeth will grow less then 24 hours

Shark don't have any swimming bladder, they have to swim to avoid drowning, even when they're sleeping. Every shark is a solitaire Hunter.

The Great White Shark is the largest sea carnivore known. A Shark will hunt for seals, sea lions, juvenile dolphins and school of fishes. Only 48% of the Great white shark hunting target ended up killed and devoured, mostly their prey could escape with some injuries or even run away before the shark attacked.

280 Unprovoked Shark Attack has been confirmed around the world, resulting 77 fatalities, most of it occur in the Western Coast of USA, Australian beaches and Southern Africa Waters. More Sharks were killed by Human rather humans killed by sharks, the ratio is approximately 1:20 (only sharks hunted for their fins, not including the sharks died by fish bombing, pollution, captured by net, extreme weathers and fish rarity)

The Hammer-Headed Shark from Costa Rica
The Tiger Shark from Oceania
A Female White Shark could have ten offspring once fertilized. A Story Stated a tiger shark giving birth more than eighty young sharks.Sharks reproduce by several ways, sexually (by mating) and asexually (parthenogenesis) and they born their offspring, lay eggs or even having eggs in their body.

The Great White Shark Inhabit almost every Ocean in the world, Smaller Sharks like the tiger shark preferred a warmer and salty waters. The Hammer-headed shark's eyes placed in the both ends of their "hammer". A Shark could sense a small amount of blood in the water 4 kilometers away.

It's a popular story that sharks and dolphins are natural enemies, indeed shark eated dolphins but dolphins didn't attack sharks with their nose.

Yangtze River Rare Dolphin
Dolphins are Mammals, It gives birth their offspring, They breath with lungs. A Dolphin has a blowhole just like a whale. There are 33 species of marine dolphins and 6 kind of river dolphins Dolphins diet includes small fishes, prawns and squids.

Nostrils of Dolphin didn't developed well to smell, they detect particles with their tongue.  Dolphin's snout is called Rostrum.

A Pink Boto
Dolphins possesses echolocation that helped them to see in dirty waters. Yangtze river dolphins (Lipotes vexillifer) are called baiji, the're one of the most critically endangered species. Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) sometimes has a unique color of pink, this is caused by genetic albinoism. The Portuguese called it Botos, Normal Botos has a dark colored iris, While the Pink one's iris is red.

Marine Dolphins can dive in limited to the depth, 260 meters. Dolphins can swim up to 30 kilometers per hour. 50 Years are the oldest age a dolphin could reach.

Porpoising Bottlenose Dolphins
Half of the dolphin's Brain remains active while they're sleeping to control them to go to the surface, preventing suffocation. Ironically they could commit suicide by forgetting how to breath. Dolphin's are considerably smarter than sharks. A Dolphin named Fuji in Okinawa has a artificial rubber tail, after it's tail amputated. Trained Dolphin could do several attraction, but the training were censured because of tortures and badly-appreciated dolphins causing stress.

Porpoising is a name given to the typical behavior of Dolphins (and Orcas) that leaps forward out of the water when swimming

A Killer Male Adult Killer Whale
Killer Whale or Orca (Orcinus orca) or The Killer Whale are actually closer to dolphins than whale. An Orca's Eye is located under the big white spot on it's head. Adult male Orca has a typical tall dorsal fin that points out of the water, just like the one in the sharks while the females orca has a curved dorsal fin. Worldwide Orca population estimates are unclear, but recent consensus suggests an absolute minimum of 50,000. Orcas also trained worldwidely for attractions, just like dolphins.

Orca, Dolphin and Shark Capturing and slaughtering are a terrifying public issue. Many films like The Cove (2009) that explicitly uncover how the people of japan slaughters hundred of dolphins in Taiji. Some People Like the famous Ric. O. Barry that tries to  promotes dolphin conservation and protection. Originally, He is a Dolphin Trainer, O'Barry made a radical transition from training dolphins in captivity to assertively combating the captivity industry soon after Kathy, one of the Flipper TV Series dolphins, died in his arms. O'Barry contends Kathy committed suicide.

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